I'm a huge bookworm, travel geek, and semi-small town Ontario girl currently studying across the country at Pearson United World College of the Pacific!
Read all about my adventures, have a look at my past projects, and feel free to reach out with any questions!
I’m not an expert, a guru, or an old person with a lot of years under their belt. I haven’t made millions of dollars. I haven’t been to the Olympics. I haven’t even achieved all of my own goals yet!
All I am is a driven individual who wants to share a bit of what I know with the world.
Thankfully, I have accomplished a fair bit in my 16 years, despite failing a whole lot.
Here are a few things I’m proud of:
Placing 1st in Canada for the girls 12u 400 medley relay
Organizing a fundraising campaign for orphanages in Vietnam
Representing my school at Track and Field Regionals (high jump, 400m, 800m, 4x100m, 4x400m)
Competing in Team Champs and the Ontario Summer Festival for swimming
This random geeky drawing of Wonder Woman
Initiating a Model UN at our high school
Playing Varsity Girl's Field Hockey
Delivering a number of school speeches over the years
Here are some of my favourites:
Confidence & Perfection (Gr. 8)
The Teenage Generation (Gr. 7)

I’m also really passionate about speaking up for social change and human rights from around the world.
A few years ago, I had the opportunity to visit an orphanage in Vietnam. Witnessing the poor living conditions and meeting the children first-hand really opened my eyes.
To this day, it has remained an incredibly impactful experience in my life. Since then, I have continued to do social justice work through ME to WE, Operation Christmas Child, and our local Immigrant Youth Centre. You can read more about my life-changing trip here (post coming soon!).
Medical science is a topic I can talk about endlessly! Earlier this year, I had the amazing opportunity to attend the 2018 HOSA Canada Student Leadership Conference in Toronto.
Being a part of HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) gave me the chance to explore different medical fields and meet other students from around the country with similar interests.
During the conference I was able to attend speeches by world-renowned medical professionals, compete in my studied event (biomedical laboratory science), learn the basics to intubation, try suturing (for the first time!), and meet so many passionate individuals from a wide range of Canadian universities and high schools.

Nunquam despera. Nunquam se deder.
(yes, that’s a Star Trek reference.
It just looks cooler in Latin)