Hi there! How's it going?
My name's Brianna and I'll be studying at my dream school, Pearson United World College, in Victoria, British Columbia for the next two years!

At 16, I'm packing my bags, hugging my friends & family farewell, and getting ready to board a one-way flight from my hometown in southern Ontario to Vancouver island. A little crazy? Maybe. But I'm wholeheartedly ready to welcome this new chaotic adventure.

This is the little corner of the internet where I hope to document my experiences at Pearson, things I've learned, and advice for future UWCers. It'll mainly be a way for my friends and family left behind to stay up-to-date on my recent shenanigans, but I also hope it'll be some use to the friends I meet ahead and people with an interest in UWC.
As my life changes, so will the content of my blog. In the meantime, you can expect a boatload of geeky references and late-night ramblings!
Thanks for stopping by and hope you stick around!
What is UWC? https://www.uwc.org/about
More about Pearson College: https://www.pearsoncollege.ca/about/
Applying to UWC? Further questions? Reach out - I'd love to hear from you!
